Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month!

Hey Strangers! I have been MIA on here for quite a while, and for that I apologize. I have been way too preoccupied and have put the social networking for Stop The Hurt on high priority instead of the blog itself. However, considering it is that time of month again, I must post!

It is October which means it is DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS AND PREVENTION MONTH! This is our time to shine and really take a stand against domestic abuse! This is your chance to do your part and stop the hurt. There are plenty of opportunities for you to do so! For example, if you want to help and don't know how:

- volunteer at a local DV shelter
- donate $ to a local shelter (trust me, they all need it)
- donate old clothes/cell phones/canned goods
- post on your Facebook and Twitter that it is DVAPM to raise awareness
- post facts on your social networking sites about DV
- buy merchandise where the money goes to DV shelters/organizations

These are just a few ideas, but they are all worth a shot! If you are a student or faculty member here at URI, me and the peer advocates are doing so much fun stuff to raise awareness about domestic abuse. On Thursday the 4th, we will be hosting a booth in the union talking about domestic abuse and will be selling purple bracelets for $2. Spread the word! We will be having 3 booths in total this month!

Later on in the month, we will be hosting a Masquerade Ball fundraiser meant to symbolize how anyone can be a victim. We will provide masks and facts about domestic abuse. There will be a DJ and possibly food! The cover charge is TBA, but keep it in mind for Halloween! Costumes welcome (if appropriate!). This is my project so I'm really excited for it! I'll keep you all posted!

Another project I'm working on is the Purple Challenge which asks you to wear as much purple as you can every Wednesday of this month to raise awareness about domestic abuse! Below is a picture of me and some of the URI Peer Advocates wearing purple!

Now that it is DVAPM, I will be posting much more frequently so stay tuned! Send me your pictures of wearing purple, and I will post them here! Do your part and stop the hurt! :)

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